Obama gave us the New New Deal now he gives us the New American Dream

As an American citizen, when you think about great leadership, does Mao Zedong come to mind?  Does his communist style of leadership conjure up the American dream?  When you get up in the morning to go to work are you going to work to make money for your family?  Or are you going to work so that you can share your money with society in a redistributive manner?  Are you looking forward to the days when in America; there are no rich, no poor, no middle class, just all citizens sharing equally the pittance our government decides we are entitled to?  These are the views that many in the Obama Administration have and are working to instill into the New American Dream Is this the Hope and Change that you voted for?   You decide. Click on the link below to hear the top 20 Pro-Socialism Sound Bites of Obama, his Advisors & his Allies.


 Kimberly Lentz


4 Responses to “Obama gave us the New New Deal now he gives us the New American Dream”

  1. Hi there

    Can I link to this post please?

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